Canine First Aid

Canine First Aid

Emergencies come in all forms, automobile accidents, hit-by-car injuries, bite wounds, burns, heatstroke, poisoning, seizures, and more. It is good to have basic first aid knowledge. What is first aid? First aid is the initial treatment given in a medical emergency. The purpose is:       To preserve life       To reduce…

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Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and Ticks

Spring is here, the weather is nice, the flowers are blooming but it also means that the fleas and ticks are also here! Fleas Adult fleas are generally smaller than a sesame seed, who feed on the blood of animals. When a flea is on your pet they bite through the skin to suck up…

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Obesity in Dogs: How to Prevent This

Dalmatian dog breed sitting

Obesity in pets, especially in dogs, is a growing concern in Lewisville, NC, and beyond. Learn the causes of obesity in dogs, its effects, and how you can prevent it, ensuring your dog lives a long, healthy, and happy life. We understand that every pet owner wants the best for their dog, and at Shallowford…

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Indoor vs Outdoor Cats: The Pros and Cons of Each

two cats head to head

Choosing the right environment for your cat is a big decision that can affect their happiness and health. We’re going to explore the benefits and drawbacks of keeping your cat indoors versus letting them roam outdoors, especially focusing on what this means for cat owners in Lewisville, NC. If you’re considering what’s best for your…

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How to Keep Your Pets Safe from Wildlife in Lewisville NC

two raccoons

Keeping our pets safe is a top priority for every pet owner. In Lewisville, NC, the beautiful natural surroundings we enjoy also mean that our pets might encounter wildlife. Learn how to protect your pets from these encounters and ensure they stay safe. If you ever need advice or have concerns about your pet’s safety,…

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Puppy Nipping and Mouthing

Puppy Nipping

Puppies spend a great deal of time playing, chewing, and investigating objects. All of these normal activities involve puppies using their mouths and their needle-sharp teeth. When puppies play with people, they often bite, chew and mouth on people’s hands, limbs, and clothing. This kind of behavior may seem cute when your pet is seven…

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What is Pet Insurance and How Does It Work?

pet insurance in lewisville nc

Understanding pet insurance and its workings is vital for pet owners who wish to ensure their pets have access to the best healthcare without financial strain. Shallowford Animal Hospital is committed to not only providing top-notch veterinary care but also to educating you about options that can make caring for your pet easier and give…

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High-Energy Dogs: A Complete Guide

high energy dogs in lewisville nc

Welcome to the latest blog from Shallowford Animal Hospital in Lewisville, NC. This guide is dedicated to understanding and caring for high-energy dog breeds. These special canines bring a lot of joy and activity into our lives, and it’s essential to ensure they’re getting the interaction and activity they need to enjoy the health and…

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Why Preventative for Pets are Crucial for Their Health


As a responsible pet owner, it’s vital to understand the role that preventatives play in maintaining the health and happiness of your animal companions. At Shallowford Animal Hospital in Lewisville, NC, we emphasize the importance of proactive care. This includes administering preventatives for various health threats that pets commonly face. This blog aims to shed…

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The Importance of Grooming Any Doodle Breed Dog


Grooming any doodle breed dog is more than just keeping them looking their best; it’s an essential part of their health and happiness. At Shallowford Animal Hospital in Lewisville, NC, we understand the unique grooming needs of doodle breeds. These lovable dogs, known for their curly and often hypoallergenic coats, require specific care to maintain…

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