Prescription  Policy

Prescription Policy

As far as the new prescription policy these are the reasons we are no longer honoring these requests:

  • Wrong product selected
  • Incorrect dosing
  • Receiving requests from people/pets that are not clients/patients
  • Repeated faxes and phone calls from the online pharmacy to approve declined requests
  • Valuable staff time is wasted reviewing the requests
  • Please allow us up to 48 hours to provide the prescription via email, or they can pick up a hardcopy from the office.

Unfortunately, we do not have an online pharmacy. Clients can call the office for a refill, text us at 336-477-2455, or submit a request online via our website using the "Refill Request" button.

We offer manufacturers instant rebates when they purchase through our office. For flea/tick/hw prevention, if they buy 6 doses, they get 1 free. Buy 12 doses, get 2 free. That's on top of the instant rebates. Our prices are also very competitive. Also, should the prevention fail and their pet contracts some disease (heartworms, intestinal parasites, lyme disease, etc), we are the liaison between them and the manufacturer to get the owner compensation for treatment.